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Monkstown Park Junior School


Upper Mounttown Road, Dun Laoghaire, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin

Monkstown Park Junior School


There are 3 projects that we are looking for support for, which we feel will greatly enhance the experience of our pupils at Monkstown Park. 

1. Investment in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) equipment: We are looking to purchase Lego Robotics equipment and Coding Resources to expand our curriculum. We also plan to purchase a number of iPads, which will allow us to tap into online learning resources on a more individual basis with pupils. We are already renting iPads for a number of weeks to test them before we make the purchase. 

2. Enhancement of the Castle and surrounding forest area:  A Landscape Gardener is scheduled to work in the school over the summer months to transform the area beside the castle. We are looking to create a stunning  outdoor classroom and purchase equipment for a forest school. We are hoping to add forest school to elements of our curriculum next year and will have a specialist teacher coming to deliver this to the children. We are so lucky to have our wonderful forests and space in Monkstown Park, which the children explore and enjoy every day and this will promote the children's independent learning in this natural setting.

3. Upgrading to the play space outside the Infant's Area: This space was originally a drop off area, but since traffic access has been restricted it has greatly benefited our younger students. By installing appropriate play surfaces, railings and installing some beautiful colourful art work, it will allow this area to be used to its fullest potential as a dedicated play space for all our students. 

