donate to a
friend's fundraiser

How it Works...

Let’s break it down
Choose Your Impact
Discover How to Make a Difference
I’m a
I want to raise funds for myself, my family, or a friend.

How iDonate works for Crowdfunder’s

Individuals collectively support other individuals, helping family, friends, or
communities achieve big goals with each contribution.


Create a Crowdfunder Page
Start your fundraising campaign with ease by following our streamlined process.


We need to verify some details before approving your page.
You can choose a password and custom URL for your page.



Here you can get creative and make the page your own.

We have a library of themes you can chose from to make your page unique.

Remember, the more detail and images the better your crowdfunding page will perform!


Once all three steps above are completed we will send you an approval email.
Don’t forget to click the share button to share your crowdfunding page on social media channels!
I want to raise money for a cause or charity that is already registered on iDonate.

How iDonate works for Fundraisers

You can take part in an event, celebrate an occasion, setup an In Memory page, or start your own fundraiser.


Create a Fundraising Page
Start a page for a registered cause or charity on iDonate, sharing your story and goal to rally support.
We need to verify some details before approving your page.



Now enhance your fundraising page: add a profile picture, banner, or theme to make it shine.


Set up your email.


Finalise your details

Set up a name, password, and customize your fundraiser’s URL for your page.

I want to register my charity/school/sports club, etc. and start accepting donations.

How iDonate works for Charities/Causes

Charities/Causes, when registered on iDonate, can create their own Fundraising Pages, Events, Raffles, etc. You can also have members of the public create fundraisers on their behalf.


Register your charity
Start a page for a registered cause or charity on iDonate, sharing your story and goal to rally support.

All charities and causes must register with iDonate.

Once verified, you can start accepting donations.


Registration Options

You must choose between ‘Once-Off Fundraising’ or ‘Ongoing Fundraising’.

Once-Off Fundraising
Ongoing Fundraising


Activate your account

You will have access to your Control Panel, when you have fully registered.

Control Panel: This is a dashboard personal to you which allows you edit cause details, images, website links, social media.   

Need more information? Contact us on 093 52467 or email us on [email protected]