donate to a
friend's fundraiser

Start Fundraising on iDonate

To get you setup correctly, we need to know if you are fundraising for one of our current iDonate causes (charities, schools, clubs, community groups), if you want to setup a Crowdfunder to raise funds for a personal cause (help a friend, family member, emergency fund), or register a charity that you work for.

What would you like to do?

Raise money for a Cause or Charity

Support a cause already registered on iDonate.

You can take part in an event, celebrate an occasion, setup an In Memory page, or do your own fundraiser.

Raise money for myself

Raise funds for yourself, your family, or a friend.

With a crowdfunding page you can easily ask for the help you need. Donations go directly to your bank account.

Register your Charity or Cause on iDonate

Set up a cause account on iDonate.

Register a Charity, School, Sports Club, etc that you work with or work for and start accepting donations.

Want to set up a raffle to raise funds for a cause?

Additional Information.

Further explanation on above….

If you are a Charity or Non For Profit Cause and wish to start fundraising, the first step is to register (create an account) on the iDonate platform. This will give us the necessary background information to work with you on your fundraising projects. Once we review your application and put your Cause live, you will be able to select from a number of fundraising options, such as Fundraising Events, Fundraising Pages, or Online Raffles.

Fundraisers have the option to create Fundraising Pages for one or more Causes. When creating a new Fundraising Page, the fundraiser provides the page name, target amount, profile image, description and duration for the page.

Cause Administrators (using their Cause login) can maintain the details of their Cause. Cause Admins can also setup their own Fundraising Events, Fundraising Pages and Online Raffles.