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Letterkenny Community Centre Development Fund


Pearse Road, Letterkenny, Donegal

Letterkenny Community Centre Development Fund

Down the years the needs changed as the population increased. Fitness, indoor football, health education, dancing and sports demanded alterations to the fabric of the building.

This demand developed into the provision of the third generation pitch, FIFA accredited all weather facility opened this year.

The present management are committed to provide for the future.
They Intend t build a new building with state of the art changing rooms with a Community Building on the second floor. In time this building will be extended to have even more changing rooms and a stand that over looks the pitch.

They intend with your support, to add an extension to the building so that the present prefabs can be demolished and accommodated into the new building.

Future needs are evolving into provision for social, educational, medical needs and meeting rooms with quality time coffee and recreation.

This community, since the 70’s have been generous with their support. We appeal once again, to your loyalty and generosity to donate what you can, so that we can provide, once again, the community needs going forward.

Help us to develop your centre, your needs for the next generation.


