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Breast Cancer Ireland


Lower Ground Floor, 77 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2, Dublin

Breast Cancer Ireland

Breast Cancer Ireland is a registered charity established to raise significant funding to support pioneering research programmes nationally as well as to promote education & awareness on the importance of breast health amongst people of all ages.


We want to transform breast cancer from sometimes being a fatal disease into a treatable illness for all


We aim to achieve our vision by speeding up research discovery times in Ireland


  • To create a National Bio & Patient Profiling Resource where the eight designated cancer centres collaborate and share samples, thereby increasing volumes available for all Clinicians and Scientists to access.
  • To create a State of Art Clinical Research Facility offering translational therapies from bench to bedside for patients diagnosed
  • To heighten awareness and education on the importance of breast health amongst women of all ages. Earlier detection will save lives.

