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16 Westland Square, Pearse Street, Dublin 2 - D02 V590


Jigsaw is a mental health charity that supports young people (aged 12-25) through trauma in their lives.   

We provide free therapy and help people and communities to better understand their mental health and better support those around them. 


As Ireland’s primary youth mental health charity, Jigsaw has, for over 18 years, established a track record in achieving better mental health outcomes for young people and developing supportive communities by providing a range of primary care services and supports, we believe we are well-placed to develop and roll out innovative and effective solutions for our young people and those around them at this time.   

For more information on how we support young people, their parents, family members, friends and other professionals please visit our website 


where your money goes

Right now, in every community across Ireland, many young people are facing trauma, battling anxiety, loneliness, and fear, and it's our job to help them. But we cannot do this on our own 

With your support through fundraising for Jigsaw, we can continue to: 

  1. Provide free therapy all across Ireland
  2. Create stable and safe spaces for young people as they navigate the chaos of their lives
  3. Get ahead of problems before they become life altering events
  4. Grow the confidence and resilience of communities across Ireland to support their young people