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Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF)


16 Merville Road, Stillorgan, Dublin - A94 H526

Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF)

We are the national charity for Oesophageal Cancer in Ireland; bringing the good fight to a bad cancer. We are passionately committed to the eradication of this disease, and, until that happens, to helping those affected live full, long lives. We provide a three-pronged, desperately needed service.

  • We increase awareness of related symptoms to promote early diagnosis
  • We raise funds to support breakthrough research into its causes and potential cures
  • We find inventive ways to meet the specific ongoing needs of anyone living with this difficult cancer.


In 2001 we lost our dear friend Lucilla Hyland to a little-known illness: oesophageal cancer. In response, we set up Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF). OCF is a voluntary organisation & registered charity that is bringing the good fight to a bad cancer. It is focussed on these 3 key aims: - to raise awareness of the symptoms of oesophageal cancer - to fund essential and vital research into preventing & eradicating oesophageal cancer - to support individuals & families in coping with oesophageal cancer.

Early detection of OC can make all the difference. Unfortunately, there remains a lack of public awareness of the symptoms. What many people pass off as 'heartburn' can be something much more life-threatening. We hope that, through continued public education, people will learn to respond to difficulty in swallowing as they would to a breast lump or unusual mole. Lollipop Day is the annual fundraising initiative by the OCF. The public reaction over the past 19 years has been fantastic, raising hundreds of thousands of euros for research & clinical breakthroughs. We've met many, many, many amazing people since we started our little charity. Your support makes us all the more determined to ensure a little lolly goes a long way. Bringing the good fight to a bad cancer.

