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Sustainable Clane Judicial Review


Coiseanna Hill, College Road , Clane, Kildare

Sustainable Clane Judicial Review

Clane… a nice place to live… but not for much longer, unless you can help

Massive over-development is coming to Clane, thanks to An Bord Pleanála.

Planning permission for 333 units (172 extra to the Clane Local Area Plan) is granted to connect Alexandra Walk and Brooklands - despite opposition by Kildare County Council, Clane Community Council, and many others. An Bord Pleanála has also granted 142 units with the probability of an extra 50 units near the GAA grounds.
The new permissions add to 725 new units granted since 2016, of which about 162 units are occupied and 562 more are pending completions.

Nowadays, there is no planning appeal process.  Our only recourse is Judicial Review in the courts.  Our legal opinion indicates a strong case against An Bord Pleanála's appalling approach.

We are now urgently crowdfunding to prepare for Judicial Review on behalf of the community of Clane.

We are asking households to donate whatever they can to support this community cause.

Please use the Donate button above, or by cheque payable to 'Clane Community Council'.

Cash donations will be receipted.

Please contact John at 087 133 6093, or [email protected]

Key points of concern

  • The developments contravene and exceed the approved Clane Local Area Plan.

  • The 475 units are on top of 725 units already permitted and under development since about 2017,

    meaning a rapid 50% rise in population and consequent pressure on services.

  • 1,500 additional cars will come with these developments – almost a 50% rise in congestion,
    which will be exacerbated by traffic routing through the new Sallins by-pass.
  • Demand in Scoil Mhuire already exceeds the 1,200-pupil limit, with no room for growth.
    Clongowes was considered as an alternative for students travelling daily to other towns.
  • Public transport services are already at capacity, and many people experience limits to accessing other amenities and services locally.
  • A new road and residential parking spaces will cut across parts of the Liffey parklands.
  • Access to the Brooklands development will also be through Alexandra Walk,
    with construction traffic expected from 7 am - 6 pm daily for several years.
  • Government policy now prevents overdevelopment but only after ABP granted permission.


Sustainable Clane

We understand the need for housing within the LAP, but we disagree with fast-tracked, oversized developments that will further strain local infrastructure, amenities, and services to breaking point.

An Bord Pleanála has ignored the concerns about the local circumstances, the councillors' input, and the balance of the democratically adopted Clane Local Area Plan.

It's time to rein in overdevelopment and let our community facilities catch up

We call this movement Sustainable Clane and are optimistic about success. 
85% of judicial reviews of Strategic Housing Developments were successful since An Bord Pleanála acted outside the law.

Clane is in danger – if you want a nicer Clane to live in, please support Sustainable Clane now.

You can donate online using the Donate button above.
We also welcome cheques made payable to 'Clane Community Council'...text or call 087 133 6093 to arrange collection.
Time is very short. If you have questions or can assist in any way, please contact us!

It takes a community to save a town - please support the common good by donating now.

Yours sincerely,

Clane Community Council, Donna Barry, Paul Carroll, Cyril Creaven, Philip Donnelly,

Rob Johnson, John Kennedy, Annette Lee, Adam Malin, Pádraig McEvoy, and Liam Reilly

where your money goes

Clane Community Council

