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Greystones Community National School


Charlesland, Greystones, Wicklow - A63 HH94

Greystones Community National School

Greystones Community National School is the newest primary school for the Greystones area that opened for the first time in September 2015.

Community National Schools (CNS) are child-centred, multidenominational, publicly-accountable schools which strive to provide high quality education for every child. They give equal opportunities to all children in the communities they serve. Greystones CNS operates under the patronage of the Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board.

After 6 years in temporary accommodation at Greystones Rugby Club, in September 2021 we have finally moved in to our beautiful ew building in Charlesland.

GCNS have been awarded four Science Foundation of Ireland, Discover Science & Maths Plaques, one Green School and selected to exhibit our CreativiTree Art Display in the National Gallery. They are currently working on second Green School Flag and Active Schools Flag.
GCNS use technology innovatively in lessons and are constantly striving for excellence in education. Children have access to ipads, chromebooks, Bee Bots and the highest spec Activpanels loaded with Android software.

With inclusion at the fore, GCNS work closely with parents and guardians in the holistic education of the children. Parents / Guardians and staff work collaboratively on committees such as the Creative Arts, Green Schools, STEM and Active Schools as well as through PTP (Parent Teacher Partnership). Parents and guardians work in-class with the children on STEM projects and help with delivery of the literacy programmes. These partnerships continue to strengthen and flourish as the school grows and develops.
GCNS also work with the wider community in the delivery of a full and holistic curriculum to the children. As a community school we also like to foster a sense of support to the wider community and have been involved in a number of worthy causes like the Peter McVerry Trust Shoebox Appeal, Down Syndrome Ireland Ice Cream Day, Goal Jersey Day and Junior Tidy Towns events.

