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ISPCC Childline


Unit 3, Block 3, Harbour Square, Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, County Dublin - A96D6RO

ISPCC Childline

ISPCC Childline is Ireland’s 24-hour active listening service for children and young people. Childline is free to contact from anywhere in Ireland online, by phone or by text. It is here every day of the year – including Christmas Day. The service is confidential and non-judgmental. Childline volunteers are here to listen to children, to believe them, to support them, to empower them and to strengthen their resilience to help them cope with any challenges they may face.

Childline receives approx. 2,500 online contacts, phone calls and texts every week from children and young people who turn to the service for support in relation to all sorts of issues. Those who make contact may feel lonely, hurt, upset, or afraid. They may have seen or experienced things no child should ever have to. Or they may simply wish to talk. In recent months, strains in family relationships, anxiety and mental health difficulties and abuse and violence have been among the topics children and young people have spoken about with Childline most often.

Childline relies on donations for 75 per cent of its funding. Public support for our service is vital. We are hugely grateful to all of those who in any way help to keep Childline listening.

