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35 Eallagh, Headford, Galway


i4Life is a child health specialist non profit organisation grounded in Human Rights. It was established in 2010 with a specific interest in low resource countries. Members include experienced Public Health Nurses, Doctors and other health professionals. 

We have a particular focus on education, immunisation, nutrition and human rights and provide Primary Healthcare services, immunisation programmes and child health clinics in the poorer countries of the world.

Donations can be made to support i4Lifes work in Zambia in the following ways:

By Standing Order: please drop us an email at [email protected] if you would like to set up a standing order.

Money raised via standing order is for the sustainable Training and Education of Zambian Community Health Workers.

Online Donation: via iDonate



Working alongside our Zambian colleagues with a mutual sharing of knowledge and expertise to deliver healthcare and nutrition services to those in the community who need it. 

We run a Primary Healthcare Centre in Linda, a peri urban township in the Lusaka district of Zambia with a very marginalised population of over 70,000. This clinic delivers essential services and sees an average of 6,000 patients per month. We also run a specialised under 5s clinic where we treat on average 400 children a month as well as our weekly nutrition clinics and community outreach service.



i4Life is a group of volunteer health professionals who came together in 2009, to organise immunisation programmes and child health clinics for under 5s in the poorer countries of the world and to provide support to existing charities in emergency situations. 


