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Kilkenny Steiner School


Ballyhall, Ballytobin, Callan, County Kilkenny

Kilkenny Steiner School

“Receive the child with reverence,
Educate the child with love,
Send the child forth in freedom.”

Kilkenny Steiner School offers a truly child-centered and holistic approach to education where balancing the child’s engagement of head, heart and hands informs the entire curriculum. The strong focus on rhythm and how this is reflected in the structure of the school day resonated strongly with us. Movement as a learning tool as well as the fostering of the children’s creativity through artistic means such as drawing, watercolour painting, drama, music, wax and clay modelling create both a meaningful and joyful learning environment.

Kilkenny Steiner School is a place where children are allowed to be children and where they can learn and develop at their own pace. It is somewhere where their natural curiosity is awakened and nurtured. It means peace of mind as our children are receiving an education they deserve and one that is wholly respectful of their stage of development. We also value the community spirit and the opportunities to gather together, whether for work (garden / DIY days) or pleasure (to celebrate the various festivals).

