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Level Playing Field


Mount Carmel Road, Goatstown, Dublin 14

Level Playing Field

We are very excited to share the news that we have recently welcomed three female athletes along with two family members to Ireland.  They are being supported by a group of people who live locally, helping these brave athletes to completely restart their lives here.  Funds raised will go towards essential items such as food, utilities, furnishing, medical costs and accommodation costs amongst others.  


Level Playing Field was established to support female athletes who are in hiding for fear of their lives due to their involvement in sport. Our mission is to extract them from their current circumstances and welcome these brave women and their families to Ireland. We are a dedicated group of volunteers who have formed a Community Sponsorship Group approved by the Irish Refugee Protection Programme and supported by the Irish Refugee Council. Our primary aim is to secure humanitarian visas and welcome female athletes and their families to Ireland. Level Playing Field will continue to provide support around community integration once these families arrive.

All funds raised will be used to support the athletes’ and their families' integration during the first two years. Any remaining funds will be donated to a registered charity that supports refugees. 

A quote from one of the athletes we have been in contact with

They have no mercy, the situation in [the country we live in] is very terrible, And every day more than ten people, men and women, are secretly killed and arrested, but it is hidden from the media.

We are like prisoners.  We would never have wanted to leave our country if we were not in a bad and difficult situation.

It is very difficult to be separated from our families, to give up everything.

It is very painful.

where your money goes

Every penny raised will go towards supporting each of the female athletes, and their families, as they settle into life in Ireland.  We have committed to supporting them for two years to help them as they find their way in a new country.

Housing support              

This includes short term accommodation support, furnishing and insurance.

Food / clothing support

This gift will enable each family to purchase food, some clothes and sporting equipment to help them to settle into their new community.

Medical support              

Life has been very difficult for the women and their families; support is needed for visits to doctors and dentists.


This will allow families to purchase a mobile phone and a laptop to keep in touch with family and friends back home as well as building a new life here in Ireland.

Any money raised by Level Playing Field which is not required to support the athletes and their families will be given to a registered charity which supports refugees.

