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Screen Directors Guild of Ireland


Curved St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2, County Dublin

Screen Directors Guild of Ireland

We are a group of Irish writers, directors and producers who have watched the events in Ukraine unfold with horror; a horror intensified through personal stories of colleagues and friends directly affected by this conflict, some of whom have decided to stay and document, some who need to flee for their own safety. 



Raising funds to support filmmakers who are documenting the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

where your money goes

All funds collected for this raffle by the SDGI will go to these two highly reputable organisations working to support those working in film on the front line:

"Docudays UA and NGO Docudays team are raising money for Ukrainian filmmakers who are bravely documenting the events of the war: recording war crimes, filming footage which will tell the world a more in-depth story of the situation in our country.(

ICFR –"Emergency Fund for Filmmakers" is a fund set up by the ICFR for film practitioners in danger due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The fund aims to help filmmakers with small grants to cover relocation expenses, legal and administrative fees (visas etc.). The ICFR is run by the European Film Academy, IDFA and IFFR. (

