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Asthma Society of Ireland


42-43 Amiens Street, Dublin 1, Dublin

Asthma Society of Ireland

In Ireland, there are currently 450,000 people with asthma, with 890,000 people likely to have it in their lifetime. We have the 4th highest prevalence rate in the world. Every 6 minutes someone is hospitalised due to asthma complications, and every 5 days someone dies from it. Over 90% of those deaths are preventable


The Asthma Society of Ireland is the sole national charity supporting people with asthma in Ireland. We provide life changing services enabling those with asthma to live their life to the fullest.

where your money goes

All funds raised go towards our work in educating asthma patients, improving quality of life and reducing the number of asthma deaths which occur in Ireland each year. 


The Asthma Society of Ireland (ASI) is the national charity dedicated to empowering Ireland's 450,00 people with asthma to take control of their asthma by providing them and their families with information, education, services and support.