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Blood Bike Mid West


Unit 3, Crossagalla Industrial Estate, Ballysimon Road,, Limerick, Limerick

Blood Bike Mid West

  1. Blood Bike Mid West is a charitable organisation fully staffed by Volunteers, which provides an Emergency Medical Transport Service to/from Hospitals, private hospitals, clinics or hospices in the Mid-West Region.

    We operate a 24/7 Emergency call-out service using volunteer riders. We do not charge for this service.

  2.  For more information visit us at  or 


Our Mission is to act as an Emergency Voluntary Transport Service which aims to relieve sickness and protect health by the provision of transport of urgently needed blood, blood products, patient records, drugs and other medical requirements between hospitals and blood transfusion banks, primarily but not exclusively in the Mid West Region.

Our base of operation is Limerick city with our primary goal being to deliver a service in Limerick, Clare and Tipperary.

In addition to the Mid-West region we are also working closely with other blood bike groups within Ireland to deliver a full service countrywide. This means on occasion travelling outside our base of operations to meet up, handover or collect urgent deliverables heading in all directions from and to the region.

One very important additional service is the collection and transportation of Breast milk. The bank is located in Fermanagh and regular trips are required to ensure the Maternity Hospital Limerick is kept stocked in order to help support premature babies and their mothers.

where your money goes

We are a charitable organisation and solely rely on donations and fundraising. 100% of all donations go towards the upkeep and running of this Voluntary Service. We receive NO state funding! and all of our members and directors are unpaid volunteers and give their time for free.
All training costs and high viz clothing are covered by the riders themselves. Hopefully in the near future we hope to be able to fund the training and testing of our riders.


Blood Bike Mid West is a charitable organization that provides the transport of urgently needed blood, blood products, patient records, drugs and other medical requirements. Since 2013 we have been providing an Emergency Voluntary transport service at no cost to the HSE, Breast Milk Bank Northern Ireland, Private hospitals, Hospices and even to individuals in their homes. This is only made possible through the generous funding we have received from members of our community in the Mid-West region and beyond. The vast majority of our collections and deliveries are carried on specially adapted motorcycles. All our riders are trained to the highest RoSPA (Royal Society for the prevention of accidents) levels and undertake this training at a personal cost to themselves.

We operate a 24/7 Emergency call out service full staffed by dedicated volunteers. 

We receive NO State funding and all members and directors are unpaid volunteers.

Our Mission is to act as an Emergency Voluntary Transport Service which aims to relieve sickness and protect health by the provision of transport of urgently needed blood, blood products, breast milk, patient records, drugs and other medical requirements between hospitals and blood transfusion banks, primarily, but not exclusively, in the Mid West Region.

