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Cara Iorrais


No. 9 Church Street, Belmullet, County Mayo

Cara Iorrais

Cara Iorrais is an Erris based voluntary organisation which offers support and encouragement to people who are diagnosed with Cancer and also supports their families and friends. 

We Offer:

  • A Drop in Service, just call and visit and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a chat
  • Monthly Support meetings for Men and Women
  • Complimentary Therapies; Massage, Reflexology, Chiropody etc.
  • Professional Counselling
  • Breast Prosthesis and garment fittings
  • Health Awareness Seminars
  • A wide range of Information booklets

All of our Services are offered free of charge.



Cara Iorrais is a Voluntary Organisation which offers, support, understanding and encouragement to people who are diagnosed with cancer and also to their family members and carers.

All the volunteers at the centre have had personal experiences with cancer. When you visit the house you will be shown sympathy, understanding and encouagement as you encounter so many people who have recovered from the illness. 

Confidentiality is of the utmost impotance.



​​Cara Iorrais was set up in 2004 by a small group of women who were at that time diagnosed and undergoing treatment for Cancer. As the need for this service expanded and the group numbers increased we set about forming a formal organisation. In March 2007 we rented a house in Church Street, Belmullet. We set up as a registered association and began to use the house as a drop in centre and a meeting place. Since then we have expanded at a phenomenal rate. Little did we think back in 2004 when we set out to support each other we would ever reach the point we are now at and to have achieved so much in a short period of time. It is a huge tribute to the members and hard working volunteers who are always available to assist in every way possible to keep the organisation running in such a smooth and efficient manner.

