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Caring for Padraig


78 Iona Road, Dublin 9, Dublin - 9

Caring for Padraig

Padraig Schaler, a 2013 TCD graduate from Glasnevin, Dublin, acquired a very severe brain injury when he was hit by a van on 27 June 2013 as he cycled to work on Cape Cod. Nobody was ever prosecuted.

He is now living with his family in Dublin. He requires 24-hour care and is fully dependent.

All proceeds go to the Caring for Padraig fund, administered by a Committee independent of the family.


On Thursday morning, at 10am, on 27 June 2013, Pádraig was knocked off his bicycle as he cycled to work on Cape Cod. He had planned to spend the summer on a J1 visa while he considered which of his many plans he would pursue, having just finished his undergraduate studies in Trinity College Dublin.

Pádraig went to primary school in Scoil Mobhí in Glasnevin, he then moved on to CUS, spent part of his transition year at the Olympic Training Centre and boarding school in Berlin, completed fifth and sixth year in Coláiste Eoin (Bóthar Stigh Lorgan), received a scholarship to study in the USA and swim for the University of Kentucky's First Division Swim Team, and then studied Irish and History at TCD. He is well known in Irish-speaking circles because of his role as Reachtaire of the TCD Cumann Gaelach, his involvement with many Irish language activities and his radio broadcasts, and because he edited the book An Scríbhneoir Óg.

In Cape Cod his life changed in just a split second. A van, travelling at speed and attempting to overtake him, hit Pádraig from behind and knocked him off his bicycle. His head hit the windscreen and left a dent in the van’s ‘A-pillar’. When his body hit the road, he had lost consciousness and was not breathing. A passing nurse resuscitated him and he was then brought to Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, where he was operated on immediately. 

where your money goes

While Pádraig is now in receipt of a home care package addressing the costs of his personal care requirements, the cost of his ongoing and life-long rehabilitation have to be met almost entirely by his family. They are supported by neighbours and friends organising fundraisers. All moneys donated to 'Caring for Pádraig' are administered by a Committee independent of the family and are used to support Pádraig's rehabilitation.


'Caring for Pádraig' was established shortly after Pádraig's accident to support his ongoing and life-long rehabilitation needs.
Despite his devastating brain injury, Pádraig continues to recover. He has travelled back to Cape Cod on the 5th anniversary of his accident, he travelled on the Camino Celta to Santiago de Compostela in 2017, and he has been going to concerts, to the cinema, and he has been out with his friends and family on many occasions enjoying their company.
His life and living with a severe acquired brain injury continues to inspire people around the globe and is possible because of the support of 'Caring for Pádraig'.

