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Childhood Cancer Ireland


Carmichael House, 4 North Brunswick Street, Dublin, Dublin - D07 RHA8

Childhood Cancer Ireland

On average 353 children, adolescents and young adults (aged 0-24) are diagnosed with cancer every year in the Republic of Ireland. A diagnosis of childhood cancer has a devastating impact on the entire family.

Childhood Cancer Ireland is the national parent and survivor-led charity representing the voice of children and young people with cancer, survivors and their families.

As a parent and survivor-led charity, we understand that a diagnosis of childhood cancer has a devastating impact on the entire family. We help to ease the burden of diagnosis and treatment on children and their families by raising funds to provide practical and emotional supports.

We also advocate for better supports and services for families, as well as better treatments and outcomes for children, adolescents and young adults.

Read more about our work at


Childhood cancer is the largest disease killer of children in Ireland. One in 300 children will be diagnosed with cancer before their 19th birthday and over 200 children are diagnosed each year. Sadly, one in five of those children will not survive.

Treatments are harsh and while they have improved greatly, many childhood cancer survivors suffer serious life-long side effects resulting from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The disease has a devastating effect on the whole family who suffer emotionally, psychologically and financially throughout long and difficult treatment protocols. 

As parents having “walked the cancer road with our children” we are well placed to understand all the diverse issues that a cancer diagnosis brings. We campaign for continued investment in research, the development of child specific cancer drugs and better treatment and outcomes for all children with cancer. It is estimated that there are over 6000 adult survivors of childhood cancer living in Ireland today.

where your money goes

Through the generosity of our donors we are proud to fund supports and services for children with cancer and their families including:

  • Beads of Courage™, the internationally recognised arts in medicine supportive care programme designed to help children understand and cope with their diagnosis. We have also extended the programme to siblings. Over 300 children have taken part in the programme on St John’s Ward to date.
  • Shared Care Hospital Project to improve facilities for children with cancer hospitalised in isolation rooms in Ireland’s 16 Shared Care/ regional hospitals. Equipment funded to date includes wall mounted cardiac monitors, lie flat chair beds for parents, TVs, games consoles and wall art to brighten up the rooms for the children.
  • We continue to run awareness campaigns including Light It Up Gold and promote the gold ribbon as the international symbol of childhood cancer. 
  • We have three trained peer support volunteers who support parents and adult family members both during and after treatment. 
  • We run parent workshops around the country to help parents process what they have been through and begin to take steps forward. 


Childhood Cancer Ireland was founded in 2013 by a group of parents whose children were undergoing treatment for childhood cancer and saw that there were very few supports and services for children with cancer. They brought families together for the first Light it up Gold walk in September 2013 to mark Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. 

