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Chronic Pain Ireland


Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street, Dublin, Dublin - d07 rha8

Chronic Pain Ireland

Chronic Pain Ireland (CPI) provides information and support to those living with chronic pain, their families and friends. Recent statistics now show that 13% of the Irish population are living with chronic pain.  Chronic Pain is a disease of the central nervous system and currently there is no cure.

CPI campaigns for greater education and understanding within the medical profession of the condition.Historically chronic pain was misunderstood, under-diagnosed and neglected. 

CPI provides a range of services including, information meetings, guest speaker events, awareness campaigns and self-management workshops which are held nationwide. In addition the organisation produces a quality newsletter and provides telephone and website support.

CPI continues to provide support and information to those suffering with chronic pain while working with all the major stakeholders. CPI lobbies for multi-disciplinary treatment centres, improved health services and changes to the educational curriculum so that Healthcare Professionals are more aware of the condition, the challenges of diagnosing, treating and managing the condition.

Over the years CPI has demonstrated professional leadership in Ireland and throughout Europe by drawing attention to Chronic Pain and promoting new and better methods of dealing with the disease. Recent years has seen a substantial development of global research, both physiological and psychological, into the mechanisms and effects of chronic pain. In more recent years there is increasing evidence to consider, study and treat chronic pain as a separate disease entity.


Chronic Pain Ireland (CPI) is the only national organisation providing information and support services to people living with Chronic Pain. We are a registered charity who works with all stakeholders including those living with chronic pain, their families and carers, health professionals, students, researchers and others interested in chronic pain.   Our Governing Body are all voluntary and work in a voluntary capacity.

One of the most important area's of work that we carry out is in respect of our Self-Management workshops which outline tools and techniques that help people learn to manage their pain and regain some quality of life.


Chronic Pain Ireland (CPI) is the national charity providing information, education and support services to people living with Chronic Pain, their families and friends. We advocate on their behalf and work closely with all stakeholders.


To create a greater awareness of Chronic Pain and to provide relevant information and support for those living with the condition, for their families and friends.


Person-centricity – We believe in the rights and determination of our members, staff and volunteers.  CPI is immensely proud of our 26 year history, achievements and people.

Respect – CPI is committed to a culture of mutual respect between members, staff and volunteers.  We value diversity and listen with an open mind to members contributions.                

Integrity and Transparancy– Our work is informed by the needs of those living with Chronic Pain and we operate to the highest standards of governance.  We are transparent to our members, stakeholders and wider public.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Advocacy
  2. Support and Education
  3. Research
  4. To adhere to the principles of good Governance & Regulation

where your money goes

Your money goes directly to providing support services to people living with chronic pain.  Our Governing Body work in a voluntary capacity and the charity has one paid part-time employee.  No monies raised are spent on administration or salary.

Our services include:

  • Nationwide Self-Management Courses
  • Member's Meetings
  • Public Awareness Events
  • Guest Speaker Information Events & Meetings
  • Telephone Support Line
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Monthly e-zine
  • Networking
  • Advocacy


Established in 1992, Chronic Pain Ireland CLG. is the only national organisation providing information and support services to people living with Chronic Pain. We are a registered charity, and we work with all stakeholders including those living with chronic pain, their families and carers, health professionals, students, researchers and others interested in chronic pain.   

CPI has demonstrated professional leadership in Ireland and throughout Europe by raising awareness of chronic pain, educating in methods of dealing with the condition, and advocating for the needs of people living in chronic pain.

