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Cliona's Foundation


Unit 22 Groody Centre, Castletroy, Limerick, County Limerick - V94

Cliona's Foundation

A registered charity founded in 2007, Cliona's Foundation provides financial assistance for familiesof children with a life limiting illness to help with the non medicalexpenses associated with caring for their child

Cliona’s Foundation was founded by Brendan & Terry Ring following the death of their own daughter Cliona at 15 in December 2006 following 8 years treatment for an inoperable brain tumour.

During this time they met many parents struggling financially with the hidden costs of looking after their sick child and saw first-hand the enormous toll it took on these families.

Right now, there are 4,000 children battling with a life limiting illness in Ireland. 400 of these will die this year. Parents of these 4,000 children are away from home for long periods of time while they care for their child- paying for accommodation, food, transport, having to take time out of work, pay childminders to look after their other children and also have to purchase specialized equipment. Non-medical expenses, particularly for parents outside Dublin who have to travel to visit their child in hospital can run to as much as €160 a day.

It is estimated that it costs an additional €10,000 per annum to care for a child with a life limiting illness.

For some families it is the harsh reality that they cannot afford to be by their sick child’s bedside while in hospital due to the associated costs.

Cliona's has provided financial support to over 1,300 families all over Ireland over the past 15 years


There is currently over one hundred children's charities operating in Ireland, Cliona's Foundation is unique in that it focuses completely on non-medical assistance for families who have exhausted all other avenues of assistance. No other national charity in Ireland offers financial support for non-medical costs associated with the illness.

The ordeal of a child's grave illness or injury tests families far beyond their endurance, taking an enormous toll financially, emotionally and physically. While Cliona's Foundation cannot cure a child, we want to help them cope and soften their heart-breaking journey, by providing financial assistance to families, who have exhausted all other resources. Cliona's Foundation believes that no family should have to face any added financial stress when they are already struggling to cope with the devastation and trauma of a child with a life limiting illness

 Cliona's Foundation is a charitable organisation was founded in 2007 to fill a great need: providing financial assistance to families from Ireland who has children undergoing long-term medical treatment.


where your money goes

Funds raised are used to pay for the hidden costs, including accommodation, food, petrol and other miscellaneous expenses incurred by families who must take sick children to hospitals or other medical facilities for frequent treatments.

The difference it makes to these families goes beyond the financial impact, but also gives them a lift psychologically. This impact is very evident from the feedback received from these families as follows;

“I just wanted to say thanks so much when I opened the check it actually made me cry. I was just so overwhelmed it means so much to have something in my pocket going away takes some of the pressure off. Ye are amazing ye will never know how much it means to us” Family from Cork

 “Your kindness has helped us so much. I was lucky to be on maternity leave during our baby’s time in Crumlin but my husband did not work for the 7 weeks she was battling hard in hospital. Money doesn’t be long running low between parents accommodation, parking & food. At the time we didn’t care about bills or anything but they keep coming no matter what going on”- Family from Clare


“You will never know how much it meant to us being in Crumlin 5 ½ months with our son. It was bad enough him being so sick , but all the added expenses of just trying to maintain our home too along with living in Dublin and even  just  trying  to  have  money  for  travelling  up and down and eating was near impossible. The cheque we received was a godsend and came at the right time for us as we were at breaking point” –Family from Wexford.

“You have no idea what this means to us & it will help us in a huge way. When our daughter got sick my husband had to give up his job as we have 3 other kids, all under 7. This money will help us so much in just our basic day to day life, the food shopping & the diesel costs to Dublin for appointments”- Family from Sligo.




Cliona’s Foundation was founded by Brendan & Terry Ring following the death of their own daughter Cliona at 15 in December 2006  following 8 years treatment for an inoperable brain tumour.

During this time they met many parents struggling financially with the hidden costs of looking after their sick child and saw first-hand the enormous toll it took on these families.

Right now, there are 4,000 children battling with a life limiting illness in Ireland. 400 of these will die this year.Parents of these 4,000 children are away from home for long periods of time while they care for their child- paying for accommodation, food, transport, having to take time out of work, pay childminders to look after their other children and also have to purchase specialized equipment.Non-medical expenses, particularly for parents outside Dublin who have to travel to visit their child in hospital can run to as much as €160 a day.

It is estimated that it costs an additional €10,000 per annum to care for a child with a life limiting illness.

For some families it is the harsh reality that they cannot afford to be by their sick child’s bedside while in hospital due to the associated costs.

Cliona's has provided financial support to over 1,300 families all over Ireland over the past 16 years 


