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COPE Galway


Calbro House, Tuam Road, Galway, Galway - H91 XR97

COPE Galway

COPE Galway are a Galway charity that deliver essential services to people experiencing homelessness and domestic abuse, and provide supports for healthy and active ageing in older people.

Since the 1970s, COPE Galway has been working with community partners, groups, businesses and individuals to continue providing these services and develop innovative initiatives that directly benefit the people we serve. We are responsive to the needs of people in the Galway community, across the city and county. We believe that together we can make a real difference. 


Our vision is a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life. 

Our mission is to make a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. 

Our services are delivered by a dedicated team of over 180 staff including social care professionals, childcare workers, community support workers, chefs and administrative support staff. Our employees are supported in their work by a committed team of over 180 volunteers. 

We could not continue to provide vital services without the on-going and generous support of our volunteers, individuals and groups in the local Galway community.

where your money goes

Your donation allows us to continue our work in Galway. For more information on where your donations go, please go to our website: 


COPE Galway was originally called Galway Social Service Council and was set up by the Galway Diocese in the 1970s. The name was changed in 1996 to Galway Social Services Limited when it became a limited company and eventually to COPE Galway in 2000, by which name it is currently known. 

One of the earliest services to be offered in Galway City was the Meals on Wheels service, which was provided in conjunction with a Day Centre for the elderly which operated from our centre on Francis St. This centre also provided a laundry facility, chiropody and a citizens information service. 

The 1980’s 

In 1982, Sonas Day Centre, Mervue was set up at Walter Macken Place. Galway City Council kindly donated 2 flats which operate as a drop-in centre with support services for the residents of the flats complex, many of whom are elderly. 

The Waterside Domestic Violence Refuge opened in 1981 to offer a safe refuge to women, and their children, who were experiencing domestic abuse.  In 1995 a dedicated childcare unit was introduced into the Refuge and in 1999, an outreach service was established. 

In 1986 the Hostel, Westside House was built by the Western Health board to provide temporary accommodation to single homeless women.  The service evolved into a hostel for homeless women with children, which also incorporated a service for unaccompanied children at risk in 1996

The 1990’s 

The Fairgreen Shelter for Homeless Men was established in 1983 in a temporary prefabricated building, it was originally jointly run with Galway Simon Community.  Although only designed to last for 5 years, the building was in constant use until 1997, when the current purpose-built shelter was established. 

The 2000’s 

In 2002, COPE, was awarded the role of managing the new emergency accommodation hostel for single homeless women, Osterley Lodge

As a a rapidly growing charity organisation providing multiple services, considerable emphasis has been placed on strengthening structures such as formalised Policies and Procedures. In more recent years, a review of the composition of the Board of Management, an increase in Core Funding, and systems to establish more meaningful staff and client participation input have been put in place.  

Our Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 focuses on six key priorities; responsiveness, our people, impact, advocacy, prevention and early engagement and sustainable funding model. In 2021, we had committed to embracing Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) through an ambitious 3-year plan to become a Trauma Informed Organisation. 

