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East Cork Rapid Response


3 Oliver Plunkett Place, Midleton, Cork - 1

East Cork Rapid Response

Our volunteer Doctor responds to calls from the National Ambulance Service (NAS) and other services (eg. Cork County Fire Service) to further assist patients who need time sensitive Critical Care. While the pre hospital emergency medical care is the primary focus of the group, we also recognise the need to promote the organisation and to educate our community in basic life support.

ECRR provides a VOLUNTARY critical care service to the communities of East Cork and beyond, and have been called as far as Rosscarberry and Dungarvan.

We respond to approximately 9 calls a month, where people have suffered an array of life threatening injuries and illnesses.

These range from cardiac arrests to traumatic injuries on farms and roads, seizures, fatal blood loss, and births.


Our aim is to have the

RIGHT person

In the RIGHT place

At the RIGHT time

With the RIGHT equipment

And the RIGHT skills

To achieve the RIGHT outcome.


This costs on average €3,500, and over 200 VOLUNTARY hours each month.


Our running costs are modest and our time commitments are shared by passionate committee members.

But we still need help.


In addition to our monthly costs we are faced with the expense of some costly replacements for equipment, a €10,000 ventilator for starters.


We are reaching out to businesses and people to see if they are in a position to cover our monthly costs with a monthly direct debit or otherwise contribute.

The monthly costs are humble, but we are many in East Cork, and every regular donation of as little as €5 a month is a huge help.


We understand the past 18-24 months have not been kind, and monetary donations may not be an option for everyone. If you can help in other ways we would be just as grateful,


  • Host a fundraising event
  • A one off donation
  • Provide needed skills such as IT skills, or be available for help on fundraising event days
  • Provide prizes for raffles
  • Printing for posters or flyers for events
  • Any other way you think may help, we are open to suggestions.


Thank you in advance and wishing you and yours the best health in 2022.


The ECRR Team.




#ECRR provides a VOLUNTARY critical care service to the communities of east #Cork and beyond.

Our volunteer Doctor works alongside 

National Ambulance Service (NAS) 

practitioners and other emergency services such as the 

Cork County Fire Service 

 to assist patients who need time critical emergency care.

This service is only possible with the ongoing support of the general public. Our response vehicle, it’s running costs and all the equipment onboard are all paid for through YOUR donations.

