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Grange Farm, Ballinure Grange Con, Dunlavin, Wicklow


Féach is a non profit CLG which began life as a parents support organisation over 40 years ago. Féach is a parent led organisation that connects, inform and empowers parents of Blind & Visually Impaired children and teens

where your money goes

We produce Guides for every stage in a visually impaired child’s life. We hold Webinars for parents, teachers, SNA’s,  and young people on various important stages in education, on technology and on trouble shooting. We create safe spaces for parents to meet and talk through our Peer-to-Peer Support group, our Family Information Day and our Private Facebook Page. 


Why the need for Féach? Féach was set up as a support group for parents of blind and visually impaired children, however as a result of shortcomings in the services available to children with low vision, it became apparent that parents, teachers, health care workers and wider society needed more practical information, based on lived experience in order to create better outcomes for children with a visual impairment

Our Impact: Féach has supported over 350 families in the last year. Over 120 people have attended our Webinars, 250 Guides are sent out annually. We successfully campaigned for free travel and companion passes for Blind and Visually Children. We were instrumental in the setting up of the National Braille and Large Print Production Centre located in ChildVision.  We ensured blind and visually impaired students were entitled to summer provision from 2020 onwards. 

