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Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation


Glencree, Enniskerry, Wicklow - A98 D635

Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation

Glencree contributes to developing the conditions and relationships that support peace and reconciled communities across the island of Ireland, within Northern Ireland, between Ireland and the UK, and internationally. We work with individuals and communities impacted by conflict including victims/survivors, combatants, women, refugee and migrant communities, and other vulnerable minorities. As well as our ongoing work on the island of Ireland, our perspective and expertise has been shared in more than ten conflict and post-conflict countries around the globe.


The Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation is an independent, non-governmental organisation and a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland. We are dedicated to transforming violent conflict and building peaceful, inclusive societies. We bring people and communities impacted by conflict together and help them find pathways to reconciliation and sustained peace through dialogue, relationship building, public discourse and shared learning.

where your money goes

The money you raise will help us continue our vital peacebuilding and reconciliation work with:

  • Victims, survivors and VS groups impacted by violent conflict in Northern Ireland
  • Women activists and leaders from disadvantaged communities, particularly those experiencing social exclusion, isolation and marginalisation; women who have experienced political conflict/violence; women peacebuilders who are actively engaged in developing and maintaining sustainable peace
  • Migrants, refugees and members of ethnic and faith minority communities to support their own efforts to integrate into, and contribute to, Irish society, which also incorporates building partnerships with statutory and local authority stakeholders and majority community leaders and groups
  • Students and young adults as actors in peacebuilding and as participants in our peace education work on a cross-border, north-south basis
  • Conflict and post-confict societies around the world both through sharing our lessons from the Irish peace process and learning from their peacebuiding experiences
  • Policy-makers, politicians, diplomats and civil society actors who work to end conflict, find solutions to sustainable peace and build inclusive societies. 


Glencree was established in 1974 in response to the conflict in Northern Ireland. We played an important role in the Irish Peace Process, bringing together those in conflict for confidential dialogue and helping to build relationships across divides. Glencree’s early efforts were dedicated, in a non-partisan way, to supporting the resolution of violent political conflict at home. We have since shared our learnings and experience of the Good Friday/Belfast Agreement, its implementation and consequences in over 10 conflict and post-conflict countries around the globe.

