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Gort Cancer Support Group Limited


Garrabeg, Gort, Galway

Gort Cancer Support Group Limited

Gort Cancer Support offers a confidential community based support service to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis in the South Galway/North Clare areas. These services include Confidential Support, Counselling & Psychotherapy, Complementary Therapies, Financial Assistance andTransport Service.




Gort Cancer Support was established in June 2007 to provide support and practical assistance to people affected by a cancer diagnosis. Our Cancer Support Centre is managed and operated by trained volunteers with the assistance of administrative staff and professional therapists.


We adopt a holistic approach towards our clients and their family by providing a range of activities and social events, which will enhance our clients' wellbeing and coping skills. We offer a home from home environment, a place where you will be made feel relaxed and welcome.



where your money goes

Funds donated to Gort Cancer Support are used exclusively to finance supportive services to people affected by cancer in our community. Your donations provide Counselling & Psychotherapy, Complementary Therapies and Transport Service (a driving service to those who are unable to provide their own travel arrangements to hospital for radiotherapy and chemotherapy). We also provide a range of social activities such as Tai Chi, Art Classes, Knitting & Stitching.and Art Therapy. All services are free of charge to our clients.

