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Irish Wildlife Trust


8 Cabra Rd, Phibsborough, Dublin - D07 T1W2

Irish Wildlife Trust

The Irish Wildlife Trust works to create a better future for Ireland’s biodiversity by motivating and supporting people to take action to protect and restore biodiversity. We achieve this through wildlife walks and talks, citizen science projects, community education, practical conservation activities, and biodiversity campaigning and advocacy.

The IWT is a nationwide organisation with a strong membership base, staff, volunteers and Board of Directors, with branches throughout Ireland.

The Irish Wildlife Trust is governed our Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for the good governance and the overall strategic direction of the IWT.  We have a small dedicated staff team who deliver the IWT activities and work programme. We have a network of volunteer run branches that engage members at a county level running event and practical conservation projects


The Irish Wildlife Trust is a non-government organisation and charity founded in 1979 (Charity no:  20010966). The Irish Wildlife Trust aims to conserve wildlife and the habitats it depends on throughout Ireland while encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the need to protect it.

where your money goes

Your donation goes towards helping us to; 

  • Campaign and lobby national and local government 
  • Advocate for the protection of wildlife
  • Conduct education and awareness programmes to local communities
  • Conduct conservation projects, surveys and research
  • Establish nature reserves and maintain our reserves
The IWT is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors and complies with the Code of Good Governance.  We have a small staff unit and rely on the generosity of our volunteers.  




The Irish Wildlife Trust, formerly the Irish Wildlife Federation was founded in 1979 as a charitable wildlife conservation body to advocate for the protection and conservation of Ireland's wildlife and habitats.  

