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Irish Wheelchair Association


Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Dublin

Irish Wheelchair Association

Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) has a vision of an Ireland where people with disabilities enjoy equal rights, choices and opportunities in how they live their lives, and where our country is a model worldwide for a truly inclusive society.


IWA works with, and on behalf of, people with physical disabilities to drive positive change in Ireland through the influencing of public policy, the provision of quality services that enable people with physical disabilities to live the life they choose and enabling accessibility to all aspects of society. 

where your money goes

On an annual basis, Irish Wheelchair Association has to raise over €3 million to ensure that we can deliver support and care in the homes and communities of over 4000 people with physical disabilities. 


Irish Wheelchair Association was founded in 1960 by 8 wheelchair users. Having travelled to the first Paralympic Games in Rome they realised life for people with physical disabilities had to be better and offer more. Since then we have grown to be one of Irelands largest charities, providing services to over 4000 people every day.  Ireland has changed over the last 60 years, but Irish Wheelchair Associations vision remains the same – where people with disabilities enjoy equal rights, choices and opportunities in how they live their lives.