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Kids' Own Publishing Partnership CLG


40 Wolfe Tone Street, Sligo, Sligo - F91 R231

Kids' Own Publishing Partnership CLG

Kids’ Own is Ireland’s only dedicated publisher of books by children. Through a range of local, national and international projects, we connect children with professional artists and publish the work that they create.

We work in defence of children’s right to culture and we believe passionately that children should have a space to express themselves through the arts. We give visibility and status to children’s artwork and writing within mainstream culture.

An ethos of social justice underpins our work. Lots of our projects have involved children and families from diverse cultures, such as Traveller culture, migrant, intercultural and multilingual populations, and children who are homeless, socially excluded, or part of a minority group.

Help us to change the world by
- Buying one of our books
- Making a donation towards our charitable work
- Sharing the message about the great work we do through social media
- Contacting us with your enquiry


Our vision is for a society that not only includes children as equal and active cultural citizens, but which also respects and champions children as experts in their own lives and as change-makers within our society. A societ that recognises children as independent writers, thinkers and creators and that truly values the arts in the lives of all children.

where your money goes

Your donation directly funds Kids' Own's activities including:

  • Creative projects with children from migrant, traveller, LGBTI+ and other backgrounds.
  • Collaboration & partnerships with other organisations working in the field of children and youth's rights, environmental and social issues. 

