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friend's fundraiser

Parkinsons Ireland


Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin, County Dublin

Parkinsons Ireland

Parkinson's Ireland aims to assist people with Parkinson's, their families and carers, health professionals and interested others, by offering support, a listening ear, and information on any aspect of living with Parkinson's and we also initiate and fund research into Parkinson's disease, its causes and affects.

We chose the Aspen leaf logo as a symbol of Parkinson's as the Aspen leaf trembles even on a still day but the branches and trunk of the tree are sturdy and strong.

At our national office there are five paid staff – our CEO Shane O’Brien, our Helpline Manager, Pauline Mahady; our Parkinson’s Nurses Lisa Wynne and Kathy Foley; and Ruth Delaney is responsible for Communications and Fundraising.

We can send you information about Parkinson's (if we don't have it to hand we will either find it for you or refer you on), treatments, information about your rights and entitlements, exercise classes, meetings, etc.
If you would like to talk directly to Ruth in relation to your planned fundraiser, please email [email protected] or phone 01 8722234.

