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Saint Joseph's Shankill


Saint Joseph's Shankill, Crinken Lane, Shankill, Dublin

Saint Joseph's Shankill

Saint Joseph's Shankill is the largest care home in Ireland solely dedicated to dementia care. Currently, we offer residential care for 60 residents and support 2 people in respite care weekly and we provide a day care service with 120 places per week for people in the local community with a diagnosis of dementia. Our vision is to lead the way in dementia care in Ireland, where people can live and be cared for in a homelike environment, where their feelings matter most. The first steps in achieving our vision have been completed already. We have transformed the centre from a traditional, institutional style nursing home, into 6 new homes or Lodges for our residents.

where your money goes

Every penny raised goes towards the dementia specific care we give to people living with dementia. 

Care that focuses on not only the physical or medical needs but as importantly the social, psychological, spiritual and emotional needs of each person.