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Thrombosis Ireland


Unit 5, Terenure Enterprise Centre , 17 Rathfarnham Road, Dublin, Co. Dublin - D6W YW11

Thrombosis Ireland

Thrombosis Ireland has been set up to provide Patient Support, Advocacy, education and information to many thousands of patients around Ireland who are on anticoagulation therapy.


1 in 4 people worldwide die form conditions caused the thrombosis.  Thrombosis is the formation of potentially deadly blood clots in the artery(arterial thrombosis) or vein (venous thrombosis). Once formed, a clot can slow or block normal blood flow and even break loose and travel to an organ.  Thrombosis is the often preventable uderlying pathology of heart attack, thromboembolic stroke, and venous thromboembolism (VTE), the top three cardiovascular killers.
Public awarness of VTE is low and awarness of hospitalization as a risk factor in even lower.

where your money goes

Thrombosis Ireland is run on a voluntary basis by patients for patients.

All monies raised go towards providing information nationally, hosting information evenings and events for patients and family supporters in all the main hospitals nationally and operational costs. Thrombosis Ireland also provides an online forum group for thrombosis related condition patient to discuss and collaborate.


We are patients who have set up Thrombosis Ireland because there is no support or organisation to represent patients on anticoagulation therapy in Ireland.


