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Tiglin TCI


Tiglin Challenge, Ashford , Ashford, Wicklow

Tiglin TCI

Our Mission Statement:

To provide each individual with an effective and comprehensive solution to life-controlling addiction problems, including gambling, in order to become productive members of society. Tiglin, operating under a Christian Ethos,  endeavours to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well, and spiritually alive.

Our Values:

Tiglin strives to help the whole person, not just the substance abuse. Our approach is to teach a whole new way of living by addressing family relationships, work attitudes, self image, peer pressure, addiction and its causes, community relationships as well as a variety of other life skills.

Our Programme offers 24-hour care by trained employees, including psychologist and counsellors. This community and family environment ensures an atmosphere of warmth, trust and support for the students as they complete our 5-phase programme. The programme is drug free, non-smoking and 16 month residential.  Entry is by interview and medical clearance by the programme’s Medical Director.

The student is tutored in developing positive attitudes, trustworthiness, concern for others and a strong sense of personal and social responsibility.  In reference to the latter, our students, for example, help with the local tidy-towns community effort in nearby Ashford, Co. Wicklow.

Our client base (whom we refer to as students) comprise males and females, aged from 19 to 50 (mostly 20 to 35), usually with multiple addictions (involving a range of drugs and / or alcohol), often from criminal and violent backgrounds; usually with physical, psychological and emotional health issues; poverty and educational deprivation; serious negative personal histories of inter-personal, family, community and social conflict.

The residents are sourced as follows:

-          through direct face to face contact between Tiglin outreach workers;

-          through referral by State or Private Sector carers (Prison Services; Hospitals; Social Workers and Addiction Counsellors);

-          through churches (all denominations);

-          through the Criminal Justice System;

-          referrals by family, friends and graduates.

