donate to a
friend's fundraiser


turn2me, WeWork, Charlemont Exchange, Charlemont Street, Dublin 2, County Dublin - D02 VN88

Welcome! You can support the turn2me team by donating or organising a fundraiser. Most important of all, let friends know that it is healthy to talk about mental health. Thanks (in advance) and if you have any questions. Get in touch


turn2me's purpose is to ensure that mental health and wellbeing resources and interventions are accessible to everyone 24/7 so that fewer lives are lost through suicide.

We provide accessible professional online mental health services to adults and young people aged 12 and over. Services include one-to-one counselling as well as professionally-facilitated support groups around a range of topics, coupled with clinically moderated peer support.

turn2me is a registered charity, and its services are made possible with support from the HSE, Sláintecare, and private donations.

where your money goes

Your donation funds:

  • Continued delivery of turn2me’s core services such as our online support forums, group support sessions, and free 1 to 1 counseling.
  • Adaptation of our services to meet the mental health needs of our users
  • Ensuring that mental health and wellbeing resources and interventions are accessible to everyone in Ireland so that fewer lives are lost through suicide.

If you have any questions about where donations go feel free to contact us


turn2me was founded in 2009 stemming from the very personal experiences of Oisin and Diarmuid Scollard, who lost their brother Cormac to suicide in 2003. They had the vision to create a space for people to get professional support online.  As of September 2021, turn2me offers adult counselling and peer support services to adults and young people aged 12 plus. Version 2 of the turn2me's online platform is a purpose-built secure platform that delivers mental health services online in Ireland.

