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Women's Aid


5 Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Dublin - D02 RR27

Women's Aid

About Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid is a national frontline organisation working to stop domestic violence in Ireland since 1974. Every day, we prevent and address the impact of domestic violence, including coercive control and all forms of abuse against women and children.


“I rang Women’s Aid and it was the first time I felt like someone really took me seriously, and understood what I was feeling and the damage that had been done to me. Women’s Aid was able to help me, as well as give me legal information and emotional support.”
– Catherine*

By supporting Women’s Aid, you are giving women like Catherine somewhere to turn.

You will help us provide free and confidential support services including the 24hr National Freephone Helpline on 1800 341 900 and an Instant Message Support Service at, mornings and evenings, 7 days a week. You will also help us provide Face to-Face support, small grants and financial assistance for women and support during court proceedings.

You will also help us operate a project for women in high-risk situations and a pioneering programme in maternity hospitals.

Your efforts will also work to building a society with a zero tolerance of domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women by support Women’s Aid to advocate, influence, train, and campaign to reduce the scale of domestic abuse and the damage it causes to women, children and society.

All of this work is possible only because of you and your supporters. Thank you.

*Name has been changed to protect identity.

where your money goes

With your wonderful support, Women’s Aid will make sure that day or night – 7 days a week – we will be ready to help women in their darkest hour. To help them find freedom. And independence. The National Helpline provides a listening ear, practical informaiton and emotional support.  It is also a gateway to one to one support services across the country.  Women's Aid also carries out public awareness campaigns, acts to change laws and systems, and provides specialist training on responding to domestic violence.


Since 1974, we have been working in Ireland to make women and children safe from domestic violence by offering free, confidential support and providing a range of services to help women break free from domestic abuse and begin to rebuild their lives. We're here to listen, believe and support women being subjected to physical, emotional, economic and sexual abuse by a partner or ex.


