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ISPCA Waterford


Summerland Square, Upper Yellow Road, Waterford, County Waterford - X91 AP28

ISPCA Waterford

ISPCA Waterford was originally known as Waterford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The original society founded in 1870 was renamed ISPCA Waterford in January 2023. 150 years after the foundation of the original society we continue to work to promote animal welfare and care for abandoned, neglected and abused animals.
ISPCA Waterford is a registered charity (CHY 5619) and is managed and governed by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.We share the same company and charity number as ISPCA. Registered charity number 20008734. Registered company number 460571. CHY 5619.

All monies raised through iDonate support the work of ISPCA in Waterford city and county and in South Tipperary.

With the help of your money we operate a professional animal welfare inspector service in the Waterford and South Tipperary area. Our welfare inspector, Ms. Alice Lacey, is licensed by the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Marine (DAFM) under the Animal Health and Wefare Act (2013) and to investigate complaints and concerns about animal neglect, cruelty and abandonment. As a result of our inspector's good work, animals are rescued and released from lives of intolerable suffering and neglect.

We strongly encourage the neutering of pets as a great deal of welfare problems amongst companion animals have their root in the breeding of unwanted animals. We run a neutering scheme whereby we contribute to the cost of neutering of pets for people who cannot afford the full price.

We provide veterinary care, rehabilitation and find good forever homes for our beloved rescue animals.
We aim is to educate the public and in particular young people about animal care and welfare. Visits to schools, clubs, and various community groups are arranged on request.
ISPCA Waterford is funded partly by the DAFM and through donations and the proceeds of fundraising events held throughout the year such as street collections, auction, supermarket bagpacks, jumble sales etc.
Donations by standing order are always welcome as knowing what income we can expect helps us plan for the future.
The society's office is at Summerland Square and is open Mon to Fri 9.40am to 1pm.


ISPCA Waterford - Caring for abandoned, neglected and abused animals.

