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Corcullen, Moycullen, County Galway


Milawi is one of the least developed countries in the world, ranking 170th out of 188. Zikomo's mission is to try and break the perpetual poverty trap in southern Malawi by assisting communities get on the first rung on the ladder of economic development. We provide aid which enables the Malawians to help themselves, and which encourages the local economy, focusing on:

  • Food security: Enabling food security and self-sufficiency
  • Education: Access to education starting with preschool, financial aid for secondary school attendance, and skills training for adults
  • Facilities: Provision of facilities such as a community centres, to support the above


Zikomo is funded entirely from money raised in Ireland and a few grants from organizations and friends outside Ireland. All money raised in spent in Malawi, administration expenses are covered by the volunteers who work with the charity. There is an executive board based in Ireland, and a non-executive board based in Malawi. We employ a Malawian project manager based in the Southern Region who works closely with the villages to support them and provide what they need to increase their standard of living and become more self-sufficient. Aside from the project manager, all members of both boards are volunteers. 

where your money goes

Zikomo works with a number of very poor villages in the Zomba and Machinga areas in the Southern Region in Malawi. We have built resource centres, dug wells and provided mechanical water pumps, set up bee-keeping, provided goats, run youth education programs focusing on life skills, pay secondary school fees, run seed programmes, run training programmes, built a bakery.

In a country where the minimum daily wage is €1.12, every €1 you donate makes a big difference!

See for more information and links to reports on expenditure.


Zikomo is a charity registered in Ireland, it was founded in 2002 by Margaret Geraghty  and friends in response to the severe food shortage Malawi was experiencing at the time. Margaret has strong ties with Malawi as she was born there. 

