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Help fund Amnesty's work in Gaza

Help fund Amnesty's work in Gaza

1st November 2023 - 31st October 2024


We are working tirelessly in Gaza and we need your help to continue to do so. Thank you for coming to our start a fundraiser page.

The work your fundraising supports:

Amnesty International is issuing an urgent call for an immediate ceasefire by all parties in the occupied Gaza Strip and Israel to prevent further loss of civilian lives and to ensure access to life-saving aid for people in Gaza amidst an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

Our Crisis Evidence Lab continuously reviews Social Media and Satellite imagery as well as gathering testimony from eye witnesses in order to document war crimes so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice.

We have gathered evidence of the use of white phosphorous munitions in urban areas by the Israeli military which can lead to horrific pain and a horrific, and life changing injuries.

We have also gathered and documented evidence of the attack on civilians by Hamas at a music festival dedicated to peace.

Our ground work will make a difference and your fundraising will ensure we can continue. Thank You

Start Fundraising
Contact Annette Ryan
Phone 018638300