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The Gavin Glynn Foundation
Niamh Hair donation for the gavin glynn foundation
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Niamh Hair donation for the gavin glynn foundation

My Story

The Gavin Glynn Foundation

When Niamh saw Gavin she wanted to be able to give her hair to make wigs for the children that can't let their hair grow as quick.

So Niamh is going to donate hair to rapunzeal foundation and the money raised to Gavin's foundation.

Event Details

The Gavin Glynn Foundation

Rapunzeal foundation for The Gavin Glynn Foundation For The Gavin Glynn Foundation

Words of support

You are an inspiration Niamh well done

Inspirational young lady! Well done Niamh x

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Donation summary
Total raised: €655
Offline donations €0
Online donations €655