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Coffee Morning in memory of Susan Deegan Fundraising Page
Template Name : memory

Coffee Morning in memory of Susan Deegan Fundraising Page

Created by: Coffee Morning in memory of Susan Deegan

Raising funds for Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust C.L.G.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our memorial page for Susan Deegan
We've chosen to fundraise for Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust C.L.G.. All funds raised here will go directly to this great cause.
We hope you can help us by donating whatever you can. Simply click the Donate button above. All donations are processed securely.
You can also share our page using the Share options below. This is a great way to show your support.
Thank you!

Please Donate
in Memory





100% Complete
Donate until 25 Dec 2022
  • Anonymous

  • Coffee Morning Donations

  • Dan Walsh

  • Dee Philo and Irene

  • Eileen and Dave Gaynor


    Well done girls, your Mam would be so proud of you x

  • Tony Byrne


    In memory of Sue Deegan , a lovely person with a lovely family. Our girls played for Walterstown with Sue's girls and we did a strictly, with Sue and had some great laughs and memories . Lovely times.

  • Michelle Clarke

  • O'Cinneide

  • Anonymous

  • Marguerite Davis


About the cause

Coffee Morning in memory of Susan Deegan Fundraising Page

Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust C.L.G.

The Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust was established in 1980, and has provided ongoing support for the development of the National Bone Marrow Transplant Programme at St James's Hospital since that time. Funds raised by the Trust provide crucial support to patients and families undergoing these complex treatments, including specialist nursing and other vital supports. We have acquired seven apartments adjacent to the Hilton Hotel in Kilmainham.The apartments are for the use of patients and

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