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The Galway First World War Memorial Fund
The Galway First World War Memorial Fund Fundraising Page
Template Name : memory

The Galway First World War Memorial Fund Fundraising Page

Created by: The Galway First World War Memorial Fund

Raising funds for The Galway First World War Virtual Memorial Fund

We are asking for help towards the cost of extending both the Virtual Memorial and Database.

The Galway First World War Virtual Memorial and Database was launched on November 11th, 2020, by Founders: Dolores Brogan-Curran B.A.M.A. and James Larkin. The Virtual Memorial is the first of its type and it is interactive. It is a new educational tool which offers a window into the past. We can not bring their bodies home; however we have brought their names home. They will never be forgotten.

In the words of the French Philosopher Paul Ricoeur, “to be forgotten is to die twice”. In those four terrible years (1914-1918), Many Galwaymen and women lost their lives in the service of the Irish regiments of the allied armies, navies, and air forces. A great many of those men and women gave their lives in the sincere belief that they were fighting not only for the freedom of the Belgians, French, and other nations, but for Irish freedom and home rule alike. They were patriots, and their service should not be forgotten.

The Galway First World War Memorial Company Ltd, will remember all those that lost their lives. At present our database contains over 1,200 names, service organisations and other relevant details that years of research from many different sources has so far been able to unearth.

Other counties and cities have already managed to complete memorials to the dead of the Great War. Sligo and County Mayo’s ‘Peace Park’ in Castlebar being are two recent examples. We believe that it is time now for Galway to honour and remember those lives lost in what so many at the time hoped would be ‘The War to end Wars’.

Tragically, that was not the case and Ireland’s own struggle for independence in the course and aftermath of the Great War understandably made such a memorial more challenging to contemplate. Indeed, for too long, there has been something of a taboo about recalling the sacrifices made by these men and women.

The Galway First World War Memorial will not, in any way, be a glorification of the victory of any one or more nations, it will be a memorial to the personal sacrifice and loss of each of those sons and daughters of Galway that had their young lives cut short in one of the greatest tragedies of the modern age. We also invite the public to contact us should you have any photos or memorabilia relevant to the virtual memorial and database. Thank you.

Contact details: James:085 144 7762. Dolores:085 768 4123

Email Address: [email protected]


Our website QR code:

Please Donate
in Memory



Donate until 30 May 2024
  • Anonymous

  • Michael Duffy


    In memory of my Great Uncle, Patrick McGrath, St. Helen's Street Galway, who died as a Trimmer on the H.M. Trawler Remindo, Feb 2, 1918, off the coast of France. Next of kin Bridget McGrath, Mother.

  • Dolores Brogan

  • Fergal Lalor


    My Grandfather (a proud Laoisman) survived the Great War. Many of his friends and Comrades in the 6th Batt, Connaught Rangers didn't come home. A small donation in his name. (Pvt Eugene Lalor).

  • Anonymous


    Thank you James for your patience.

  • Michael From Canada

  • Dolores

  • Jimmy

  • Pat

  • Sam Reidy


    An absolute Gent and inspiration.


About the cause

The Galway First World War Memorial Fund Fundraising Page

The Galway First World War Virtual Memorial Fund

The Galway First World War Memorial Company was set up in 2020 by Directors: James Larkin, Dolores Brogan-Curran and Declan Ganley. It is the aim of the Galway Great War Memorial Committee to build a memorial in Galway listing the name of every man and woman from Galway who died in the Great War, 1914 – 1918. We intend to follow the example of other Irish towns and cities such as Kilkenny city, Castlebar in Co. Mayo and Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow. Ennis Co’ Clare, Limerick, Cork, D

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