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Mia Matkowska
Amy's 10k Steps a Day for Crohn's and Colitis
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Amy's 10k Steps a Day for Crohn's and Colitis

My Story

Mia Matkowska

I'm participating in the Crohns and Colitis Ireland fundraiser walk 10k a day in May on behalf of my gorgeous daughter Mia who is an Ulcerative Colitis Warrior!! Please support me in doing this!! Any monies raised goes towards amazing resources for patients and their families 


Event Details

Mia Matkowska

10K Steps a day Challenge 2024 For Crohn's and Colitis Ireland

Words of support

So proud of u sis and mia 💓

You are an amazing mammy, love you x

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Donation summary
Total raised: €365
Offline donations €0
Online donations €365