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Paige Farrell
Paige's 5k swim Challenge
Template Name : new_fundraiser_page_template

Paige's 5k swim Challenge

My Story

Paige Farrell

Thank you for taking the time to visit my fundraising page on

I'm taking part in the Swim 5km Challenge for Breakthrough Cancer Research .

I've chosen to fundraise for Breakthrough Cancer Research . All funds raised here will go directly to this great cause.

I hope you can help me by...

Message From Breakthrough Cancer Research

Hi Paige, 

Thank you for setting up your fundraiser for the Swim 5k in June for Breakthrough Cancer Research 😄

Best of luck with the fundraising, make sure you share it with family and friends to rally support behind you!

- Edel 

- Breakthrough Cancer Research

Event Details

Paige Farrell

Swim 5km in June for Breakthrough Cancer Research For Breakthrough Cancer Research

Donation summary
Total raised: €0
Offline donations €0
Online donations €0