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Fergal Guihen
Rossie to Aussie
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Rossie to Aussie

My Story

Fergal Guihen

In March I will be taking on the challenge of cycling 23000km from Ireland to Australia. This challenge will take me through 25 countries and 3 continents over the span of 11 months, all whilst raising funds for two important charities:

Mayo Roscommon Hospice & NorthWest Stop 

Mayo Roscommon Hospi...

Words of support

Love that you are helping a local charity, so great to see the amazing experience you are having, lifetime of memories for you. Enjoy the ride

Keep up the good work mate love your ability to do this it takes guts to set off into the unknown for a good cause.

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Donation summary
Total raised: €20,900
Offline donations €2,125
Online donations €18,774