donate to a
friend's fundraiser

join ireland's largest fundraising platform

Thank you for your interest in idonate.

The first step is to create a Profile for your Cause on idonate.
Your Cause may be a Registered Charity, Not For Profit (schools, sports clubs, etc) or

Please complete the form below with as much information as possible.
You can update your details later from your Admin account.

Once we receive your registration we will process the application before activating
your account. If you have any questions, please contact us.

You can be up and running in minutes.

register your cause

step one: cause details

please give cause/charity details below and click next.
you can add more details later.

Choose Image
No file chosen

You can skip this step if you want

Create a web address (URL) for your charity/cause page.

You can change these options once your charity/cause page has been approved.