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friend's fundraiser

Fibromyalgia Ireland


79 Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin, Dublin

Fibromyalgia Ireland

Hi everyone, as you are aware, there is not enough awareness surrounding Fibromyalgia in Ireland and we plan to change that. It won't be easy, it'll probably be a long road, a lot of hard work and sleepless nights but it will be worth it. 

​All monies raised will go directly to raising awareness, providing more education, advocacy, improving community welfare services and helping those who feel isolated within their community. 

Our Goals

- Raise Awareness about Fibromyalgia

- Provide Better Education and Information

- Provide Better Support 

- Hold Regular Support Group Meetings

- Improve Community Welfare

- Help Tackle Isolation within Communities


Our aim is to raise enough money to be able to carry out the above goals, to help our community of Fibro Warriors. 

​Outside Donations

​As iDonate is a company that supports fundraising within communities, and we are registered, you can fundraise on our behalf! If you're interested in doing a fundraiser to support Fibromyalgia Ireland, you can let us know about it by sending us an e-mail or sending us a message on our Facebook Page

All ideas for fundraising events are welcome and we would love for you all to be involved in some way. 

Registered Charity

​We have now become a registered Charity in Ireland. As a registered as a Charity in Ireland our goal is to further support those with Fibromyalgia. Our Registered Charity Number is: 20205572

​Fundraising Ideas

If you'd like to hold a fundraiser for Fibromyalgia Ireland, here are some fun ideas:

- Coffee Morning
- Bake Sale
- Karaoke Evening
- Dress Down Day at work
- Bring-a-book sale
- Quiz Night
- PJ Day at work
- Shave or Wax a body part (this one is good for the lads!)
- Bad Hair Day at work
- Fancy Dress at Work
- Learn a New Skill Day
- Fete
- Sponsored Walk/Run
- Charity Dinner / Pot Luck​

These are just ideas - you can get as creative and crazy as you want! We'd love to know what your ideas are - You can e-mail us at [email protected] or send us a message on Facebook. 

We will be holding fundraising events throughout the year, which will be posted here and on our Facebook page. 

We know that a lot of our members are housebound/bedbound/unable to do a lot - We want you to know that we do not expect you to go out there and hurt yourselves! 

If you cannot hold a fundraiser but would like to be involved, you can either donate, share this page, share our Facebook page, spread the word with the people in your life and let them know what we're doing and why we're doing it. 

​Our Promise

​We promise to keep you informed and up-to-date on all donations that we receive and how the money is being used to further support, educate and inspire. 

​Thank You

​We would like to thank everyone who is involved in Fundraising for us. We appreciate you all so much, your support means the world to us and is giving us a stronger platform to fight for you, your families and friends. Without you, this would not be possible. 

Gentle Hugs ​

Fibromyalgia Ireland Team 

