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Mayo Rape Crisis Centre Ltd


Newtown, Newtown, Castlebar, Co. Mayo - F23 VH95

Mayo Rape Crisis Centre Ltd

Mayo Rape Crisis Centre provides a free and confidential service to any one, 16 years and over who are survivors of child sexual abuse, incest, rape or sexual assault, whether they have been abused recently or in the past.

where your money goes

All money fundraised goes to services for survivors especially our outreach serivces in rural Mayo.


The Mayo Rape Crisis Centre was established in July 1994. The Centre was set up in response to the number of women and girls from Mayo contacting other Rape Crisis Centres, especially the centre in Galway. A small group of women came together concerned at the lack of any services or support in Mayo for women who had been sexually abused or raped. We were also concerned by the treatment of rape victims in the courts and society in general. We wanted to provide a safe palce where a woman who had experienced sexual violence could talk, and get support and information she needed.

