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Cork Mental Health Foundation


Unit 4 Nore House, Bessboro Road, Blackrock, Cork - T12 HR1V

Cork Mental Health Foundation

To promote positive metnal health and actively empower and support those who have experienced mental health difficulies.



To promote positive mental health among the population in general

To develop and deliver awareness raising activities aimed at challenging discrimination and stigma

To support and advocate on behalf of people with mental health difficulties, their families and carers

To promote the development of local mental health committees to carry out their objectives

To influence policy changes in the provision of mental healthcare through campaigning and education

To advance the rights, views, needs and ambituions of poeple experiencing mental health difficulties

where your money goes

All funds raised go to support the running of our awareness raising activites and the running of our support projects in Mallow, Cork City and Clonakilty. 

We also support people who have experienced mental health difficulties through the provision of housing, educational bursaries and finiancial assistance through our assistance programme. All this is made possible by the generous donations of the public through their fundraising efforts.


Cork Mental Health Association was founded in 1962 to advocate for those with mental Health difficulties and has grown and developed over the years into the organisation we see today.

In October 2006 Cork Mental Health Association changed its name to Cork Mental Health Housing Association, which deals with all housing development and management matters. A new company, Cork Mental Health Foundation, was set up to address the education and fundraising business of the former Cork Mental Health Association.

Cork Mental Health Housing Association is a voluntary organisation, which actively supports and empowers persons with a mental illness through the promotion and provision of high quality housing services. Cork Mental Health Foundation is also a voluntary organisation whose aims are to promote positive mental health, to support people who have experienced a mental health difficulty and to create awareness and understanding of mental health.

The foundation provides numerous educational projects which you can get more information on in our Education section of this website
The Foundation also gives presentations, as requested, to community, voluntary and statutory groups in the area of mental health promotion.

Cork Mental Health Housing Association supports people who experience  mental health difficulties through building and managing Social Housing Projects in Cork City & County. Currently we have 38 properties supporting over 110 residents. You can get more detail on our housing projects in the housing section of our website.

Both Cork Mental Health Housing Association and Cork Mental Health Foundation rely heavily on our volunteers to support us in carrying out our work and we acknowledge their commitment and support in giving of their time so generously.

