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luigi ryan
Legs Miserables
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Legs Miserables

My Story

luigi ryan

Thank you for taking the time to visit our fundraising page!

Sean and Luigi have chosen to fundraise for Croi, while Sean tackles his first Marathon!!  All funds raised here will go directly to this great cause. Luigi worked with Croí for 4 years, and has seen the amazing work they do first han...

Words of support

Luigi I had the pleasure of meeting you when you were working for Croi in McHale park in castlebar. Fantastic achievement & congrats on supporting Seán. May it be the first of many for Sean.

Congrats to you both on a great achievement.

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Recent Updates

Officially members of the Croi Marathon team, having completed 26.2 miles at Dublin Marathon 2023 ❤💪🏽

Some medal in fairness, makes it all worth while in the end, the midweek runs, long training runs at the weekend with Sean having barely any sleep... multiple severe muscle cramps on the day, bad stitches lasting for miles!! But y

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We had met up with our better halves at this stage and got extra clothes on and some snacks into us, as we were slightly f***ed after the finish, what with the rain and all, but we look happy there right!! 🤣🤣

Myself and Sean, just before we headed off on our wee run..... Kaia didn't know about the clocks going back so poor Sean was up since 5am...! Think we were both deliriously happy 🤣

Donation summary
Total raised: €2,926
Offline donations €166
Online donations €2,760