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give in memory

Give in Memory

The Give In Memory feature is a secure online method of making charitable donations in memory of a loved one. The iDonate easy and simple solution enables our funeral partners setup memorial fundraising pages. The charity is chosen by the family and the funeral director then puts the fundraising page in place in minutes.

Hence, fundraising in someone’s memory is a very special and meaningful way to remember them. Thus, honouring their life and helping charitable organisations at the same time. Charities are always incredibly grateful to receive these memorial donations.
At that time of such sadness, it can be comforting to do something positive in remembrance of your loved one. In the past, flowers were often a way to pay tribute at a funeral. But now many families are requesting a donation in lieu of flowers in honour of their loved one.

To Give In Memory can be a way of bringing together family, friends and colleagues to remember, pay tribute and celebrate their precious memories.
Make A lasting tribute to celebrate the life of a loved one. Hence, consider making a request for donations in lieu of flowers to the family's chosen charity.

iDonate offers fundraising options for other Not For Profit causes including a wide range of sports clubs. Additionally, there are services for schools from pre-school to Third Level with emphasis on special needs classes.

Visit our website for Giving in Memory for more information.
This is a new project and will outline detail on family, friends, undertakers and donor involvement.